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So this is Christmas and what have you done?

With apologies to John Lennon, “ So this is Christmas and what have you done? Another year over…..”

In simple terms the answer is:

5 in house shows plus youth shows

100+ events

25 visiting companies

And nearly 13,000 visitors

2019 also seems to have had a lot of ‘firsts’ which given Sterts has been going for 36 years is pretty impressive and ongoing evidence of the team’s commitment to the cause. To mention but a few, our first beer fest, Sterts youth juniors in Aladdin, sheep on site and a panto.

It has been a tough one for ticket sales, but thanks to the unstinting efforts of the office team and volunteers we’ve managed to keep our heads above water. Peter has been instrumental in getting critical support from sponsors and government, we have a small core of regular donors including the 100 club, volunteers have fund raised and as ever donated their time with smiles for all. The chaperone team did sterling work with over 80 children in the Aladdin show alone, plus the volunteers supporting the café managed to raise nearly £4000 in teas, cakes plus pop up food such as that for the film nights, helping us weather the lack of a café tenant. Well done and huge thanks to all those in purple.

Despite small audiences from time to time the in house shows were to their usual high standard and as DM I get to hear some of the exit comments, often soaring praise. Whilst I recognise that the actors and singers are doing something they love I still wish to thank them for their part in helping Sterts do something for our community. Without you and the volunteers we would not be able to offer affordable, high quality theatre to our community, at the same time raising money to continue our charitable aims and also support other charities close to our hearts.

Finally we bade farewell to Lisa and Ruth who have both been tireless workers in the office, big thanks to them too but hopefully we will still see them on stage, volunteering or in the audience!

Wishing everyone all the best for the festive season, health and happiness for 2020 and thank you once more for all the support you give Sterts.

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